Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tips To Remove Temp Files From A Windows 7 Computer

It is very important to have sufficient memory in your computer to run various programs smoothly and efficiently. No matter how careful you are, unwanted files take up a chunk of your computer’s valuable memory space, after using it for a while. The problem with this is that it will slow down the performance of your computer, leaving you annoyed.

Therefore you need to get rid of these unwanted files to make sure that there is enough free space for the processes to run smoothly. There are various methods for removing unwanted and temporary files from your Windows 7 computer. In this article, I have mentioned a few Windows 7 support instructions for using the Disk cleanup utility, for removing unwanted files and creating a batch file for removing temporary files.

Using Disk Cleanup

  • The first thing you need to do is to click on the Windows “Start” button.
  • Enter “Disk Cleanup” in the start menu search box, and press the “Enter” key.
  • Choose the drive you wish to clean up.
  • Hit the “Ok” button.
  • Wait for the scanning process to complete. 
  • Choose the type of file you would like to remove.
  • Hit the “Ok” button.
  • Select the option which says “Delete Files”. You will able to see a window showing the status of the deletion process.

That’s how to delete unwanted files from your Windows 7 computer, using the Disk Cleanup utility.

By creating a batch file 

  • Hit the Windows “Start” button.
  • Type “Notepad” in the start menu search box.
  • Click on the appropriate option from the search results to open Notepad.
In the Notepad, you need to type (avoiding quotations) “cd C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local
rmdir /S /Q Temp”

  • Click on the option “File” from the main menu of Notepad.
  • Select “Save As” from the file menu. This will open up the Save As window.
  • In the filename field, type “cleantemp.bat” without quotations.
  • Choose the location wherein you want to save the file.
  • Hit the button titled “Save”.
  • Go to the location where you saved the file.
  • Double click on the same for clearing up your temporary files.

You can follow the above instructions to clean up your Windows 7 computer and improve the performance. If you are still facing these kinds of issues, you can contact Windows 7 support for assistance.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Steps To Use Microsoft Outlook's Journal Feature

The Microsoft Outlook Journal feature allows users to record important items. The recorded data will be kept hidden from obvious view. Follow the steps below to use the Microsoft journal application with ease.
Outlook tech support instructions
·         Open the Microsoft Outlook application on your device. To launch the application, click on the Start orb placed in the bottom left corner of the task bar. From the Start menu pop up, select the label that reads All Programs. From the All Programs submenu, select the label that reads Microsoft Outlook.
·         Open the application. From the toolbar, select the label that reads Options. From the dropdown, select the label that reads Journal Options. View the Journal timeline, and select the one that you want. The journal will brief you on the events and details of what had happened on that date.
·         Select the label that reads File, and select the files that you want manually installed. Select the File option, and from the dropdown, select the label that reads Journal Entry. Right click in the text box and enter the description. Enter the subject area. Complete the entry type by clicking the right box. Before you save, check for files that you intend to add.
·         Search the internet for items that you want to add. You may also search your computer’s hard disk for documents that you want to add. Just click and highlight the item that you choose. Drag the item into the journal page, from its original location.
·         Determine the location from which you want to import the file. You can choose from the following Microsoft Office programs: Access, Binder, Excel, PowerPoint and Word.
·         Select Tools, Options, Preferences, and then Journal Options, for the automatic recording of items.
·         You can also add Email messages, meeting information, calendar entries and task requests.
·         You can add the recording of a phone call to the Microsoft Outlook Journal. The journal application will show you the call time, the recording of the phone call, and an incremental breakdown of the minutes.
Follow the above guidelines to use Microsoft’s Outlook journal Feature. For more assistance and support on the same, feel free to contact Outlook tech support desk. If you still have any issue with the same, contact us on our Email tech support address, or on our help line number.